Digital film artist Paul Whittington from Canada created this ingenious stop-motion animation video of an android which is trapped inside of a large maze.
Paul Whittington is a filmmaker from Vancouver Island. He grew up in Calgary, Alberta. Paul got his first taste of filmmaking at an early age but never really took it seriously until much later. Nowadays he mainly creates short films, stop-motion animation, and a little time-lapse photography. He also does some screenwriting.
The android 207 video was shown at numerous film festivals, as the ‘Vancouver Island Short Film Festival’ or the ‘Cyborg Film Festival’ (both in 2007). It furthermore won many awards like at the ‘Independent Exposure Film Festival’ (Winner of the Second Place award 2007) or the ’16mm Film Fest’ (Winner of the Best Video award 2008)
Are we all trapped in the maze of life?
Android 207 reminds us of our own search for answers in a web of cosmic riddles. Do we finally find our way out? And what awaits us out there…? It is an epic and ingenious short video with a great ending.
You can buy this video on DVD or enjoy more of Paul Whittington’s video art on his site:
This is the most intelligent animation I have ever seen. WOW!
Paul, Congratulations for Android 207.
You are a stop animation movie genius!