ORB bracelet watch concept by Djordje Zivanovic. The ORB is a classic plastic bracelet, which shows the current time by incorporating lines inside that show the current time. These lines are rotating around the watch and show the time, while the seconds line is going around all the time. The 1st line for hours, the 2nd for minutes and 3rd for seconds. Three different colors for every lines are being used. A simple but cool and eye catching concept! |
The ORB could be made in two colors, black and white, with different colors for the time lines. The clock can be adjusted via the touchscreen: Touch the line, click the adjust icon and slide the current time line to set time.
Djordje Zivanovic lives in Torino, Italy and works in industrial design, product and furniture design. The ORB bracelet watch was a project for Signity International Watch Design Competition.