Sweet puppy and: Dog and Woman eat out of same bowl!

Sunday, 11 November 2007

This sweet puppy barks at and even attacks the mirror without realising who it is…:


There are other dogs, who are not quite that sweet. Look at this photo from ‘Issue One’ :  A fashion magazine
shows a dog and a woman eating out of a dog bowl! This is somewhat…hmm, ‘special’. Isn’t it?

Issue One: The new fashion magazine shows a dog and a woman eating out of a dog bowl....!


You find the dog and the woman somewhat shocking? Then this 4 puppies could relax you:

Four cute dogs / puppies sleeping.


If not, this painfully cute puppy will definitively put you at ease:

Cuttest puppy on earth. So ein süsses hundchen...Der lustige hund!

Photo of Woman and dog: Issue-one.com

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