At last the winter is over – however not the cycles of life and death.
Angel M. sent us this unbelievable footage of this gecko which caught a mouse. She encountered this macabre incident in her guest house at Gaia-Oasis resort, Abasan, Tejakula in the northern part of Bali. Reportedly, the mouse kept shrieking for quite some time… The morning thereafter, both the mouse and the lizard had vanished without a trace. Locals said they have never seen such a phenomenon before, hence this is a very rare photo.
So what else happened in the last few months?
We discovered this really interesting and fun theory – the fun theory! Check out Menahem Kahana's extraordinary war photography. Remember the first hardrock-metal song of all times? Helter Skelter by The Beatles, and a few cool cover-versions. Care about marketing? Here is the 'simple marketing explanation'.
Dou you love great design? Stefano Bigi's 'Infinity Table' certainly does the trick. Or how about this marvelous marble coffee table? To complete a really cool interior, combine the tables with this mesmerizing Fibonacci-lamp. Have you ever come across Julian Hake's shoes?
Miracles anybody? Enjoy this enormously popular story about the psychedelic color language of the future – octopii already implement it today! It stirred quite a buzz. Science author Clifford Pickover linked to it on his blog. Another must see: Very fascinating videos and photos of water drops falling in liquids by Martin Waugh. Then we have interviewed a very kind and interesting human being: Visionary artist Myztico Campo with his amazing psychedelic surrealism art!
The mouse that has but one hole is quickly taken.
(George Herbert – English metaphysical poet and clergyman, 1593-1633)
Einer der besten hellseher der welt, Martin Zoller, erklärt sein neues projekt 'Visionary Force'. Und hier stellt er sein neues, faszinierendes, buch vor: Hellsichtig. Und wie schon so lange, Kirchenglocken stören die nachtruhe: Die IG Stiller kämpft weiter mit diesem plakat. David Schlesinger präsentiert den Beizer Heizer und Tatjana Strobel analysiert die physiognomie von Hans-Rudolf Merz und Angela Merkel.
The tallest towers humans ever built – then and now: The Burj Dubai Khalifa in Dubai vs. the Tower of Babel! Lover to dance? Another kind of visual ecstasy, Jack Featherstone's great graphic animation art clips.
A mouse never entrusts his life to only one hole.
(Titus Maccius Plautus)
On the animalistic side of life we've seen this sly fox who was spotted riding an escalator in the tube in London. We've watched this baby panda's escape from its cage. Then the incredible story of these cheetahs who caught an antelope but apparently let it go unharmed. If you are afraid of bugs, better don't see this bizarre bug video. Epic cat vs. mouse fights, empathize with this unfortunate dog, and finally: Did you know that there are surfing dolpins?!
Have any intention of buying the iPad? First consider this: iPad vs. iPhone vs. iStone… Or wait for the diamond-iPad! What are the three stages of a man? Find out! Kip Mazuy told us how the mind actually works. Karl Renz points out that we are not the mind, but the void behind it. Finally, Mooji, a wonderful advaita/non-duality teacher, explains a young girl her question "Why do I exist?".
And now a mouse which was luckier then the one in Bali:
This leopard just snuffed at a mouse which was stealing its meat… will feature even more exciting stories and unbelievable miracles in 2010 – stay tuned!
THANKS you, teri macasih for my photo in your nice oneline-magazin….it s amazing….