Remember the Hypnotoad from the US-Series Futurama?
Hypnotoad is a large toad-like creature that has large oscillating multicolored eyes and emits a droning hum (a recording of a turbine engine played backwards). The toad uses its features as a power of hypnotism on surrounding people and animals. Futurama is an animated American science fiction sitcom created by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen for the Fox network. The Hypnotoad is one of Groening’s favourite character. |
An example of Hypnotoad’s hypnotic powers. In this clip our toad hypnotizes the judges to gain the first prize of a contest. "ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD!" |
All glory to …! |
Futurama’s Hypnotoad
Sunday, 16 May 2010
This is one of life’s eternal mysteries – nobody knows about the source of hypnotoads amazing capabilities! 🙂
how does that work?