Japanese designer Aya Tsukioka invented a pretty strange way for self-defense…:
In those days people used pepper spray for self-defense. Things have changed. Have a look at this pretty bizarre invention by Japanes clothes, accessories and fashion designer Aya Tsukioka.
This skirt can be transformed into a life size vending machine which is supposed to help you in difficult situations!
(By holding the sheet fully open and stepping to the side of the road, a woman walking alone could elude pursuers — by disguising herself as a vending machine…)
Even some Japanese people regard many of these far-fetched ideas as naive, possibly reflecting the nation’s low incidence of street crime. Despite a few sensational cases, the frequency of violent crime in Japan is low compared to international standards.
More examples, like a lady handbag which resembles a sewer cover and a fire extinguisher, here:
Gizmodo.com/ self defense aya tsukioka
Anyway, the Japanese constantly present us pretty creative new inventions!
Die Japaner haben einen gehörigen Sprung in der Reis-Schüssel.
Vielen dank und Sayonara!
The Japanese are…hmm…strange. Yep.