Women have always been looking for the ideal man – one that does all for his beloved wife.
What about these gentlemen here:
This ideal man is ironing the laundry.
Another ideal man massages a woman.
Of course, ideal men carry the shopping bags.
This ideal gentleman cleans the floor with a brush.
When did your husband bring you flowers last time?
This ideal man does!
Yep, men like this exist and are real, do they!?
Indeed, some women wait for them:
These women are still waiting for the ideal man shown above!
Anyway, for all women who are disappointed now…enjoy this (nearly) real and ideal man…:
Men are great! They are sure as hell able to do all the jobs mentioned. Theoretically, that is…
Ohlala, I love these men – ideally, one of them is able to do all the jobs described…!
Men are all ideal…didn’t you know that?! 😉