War Photography By Menahem Kahana

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Menahem Kahana's "War Photography".
Israel army drill.

Photographers take pictures of Israeli elite infantry soldiers armed with Israeli made Tavor rifles during urban warfare training in June 2009 in the IDF's Urban Warfare Training Center in Tzeelim, southern Israel. The training area simulates an Arab town.

Menahem Kahana was born in Ashkelon, Israel in 1958. He studied photography at the Hadassah College in Jerusalem. Since 1987, Menahem works as an AFP photographer in Jerusalem. Menahem won numerous awards and prizes. Kahana also exhibits in the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv.

Demonstration by Menahem Kahana. Kahana is famous for documenting the closed and often secretive world of an orthodox Jewish community known as the 'Heredi'.

His photo to the left,
was chosen by Helmut Newton as the best photo of the 20th Century for Time Magazine Millennium issue.

One thought on “War Photography By Menahem Kahana

  1. The training area simulates an Arab town.??!!

    but if they only enter in palestine with tanks and helicopter…

    IDF= cowards, children killers

    dicen los muy cínicos, comentando la foto en la que se ven estos asesinos de embarazadas y niños apostados tras muros: “The training area simulates an Arab town”

    y digo yo: ¿cuándo se ha visto un soldado israelí avanzando a pie? así correría el riesgo de morir… para qué tienen si no helicópteros, tanques y lanza cohetes y bombas de racimo… ¿cómo han podido en su última masacre, avanzando a pie, matar a 1400 palestinos, entre ellos, a 400 niños??

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