Where is the need of changing anything?
The mind is changing anyhow all the time. Look at your mind dispassionately; this is enough to calm it. When it is quiet, you can go beyond it. Do not keep it busy all the time. Stop it – and just be. If my true being is always with me, how is it that I am ignorant of it? Calm and clarify your mind and you will know yourself as you are. Do I need the mind to know myself? Improve your instrument and your knowledge will improve. To know perfectly I need a perfect mind. In the light of calm and steady self-awareness inner energies wake up and work miracles without any effort on your part. You mean to say that the greatest work is done by not working? All you have to do is to give attention to the obstacles created by the foolish mind. (By Nisargadatta Maharaj from 'I Am That' – 1973) Or this there indeed a need to change things? |
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Named Maruti Shivrampant Kambliwas at birth, Nisargadatta was a spiritual teacher who followed school of non-duality or advaita vedanta. Maharaj was famous and admired for his direct and informal teachings to people of various backgrounds. His most famous book is the spiritual classic "I Am That".
Nisargadatta claims that our true nature is perpetually free peaceful awareness. Awareness is the source of, but different from, the personal, individual consciousness, which is related to the body. The mind and memory are responsible for association with a particular body; awareness exists prior to both mind and memory. It is only the idea that we are the body that keeps us from living what he calls our "original essence", the True Self.
Nisargadata Maharaj describes this essence as pure, free, and unaffected by anything that occurs. He likens it to a silent witness that watches through the body's senses, yet is not moved, either to happiness or sadness, based on what it sees.
Namaste Manu,
Thanks a lot for the link to this new Nisargadatta site.
A comprehensive non-commercial site exclusively for the articles related to Nisargadatta Maharaj. Books, Photos, Videos, and others.
Manu Namasivayam
erlaube dem schicksal sich zu erfuellen!
was immer das auch ist!!
very good pointer of Nisargadatta… nothing have to go or to be changed. All there IS!
When change is needed, it will appear. Or so. 🙂