The Messenger Of Bad News – By Martin Zoller

Newspaper: Bad News !All through history one of the most unpleasant and dangerous jobs has been being the bearer of bad news.

It's an inherently unpopular task. The fellow ordered to deliver such news to the King's court, was often sent away by the monarch with some angry words and insulting comments. Often, the king’s sword killed the unlucky guy or his head got chopped off.

In these difficult times, I am more than happy that modern human rights and democratic laws forbid such cruel methods of death, mainly, because in these last few months, I feel as though having to share less than good news has become part of my job–the worst part of my job. If we had been living under those ancient laws, surely my head would have been chopped off or my body would have been tortured several times over.

Since we are suffering a global economic crisis and political instability all around the world, my work has become more and more challenging regarding the sharing of good messages or news. Just a few days ago, during one of my long distance readings with a client far from Beirut, I could not avoid a happy laughter in the middle of the consultation. When my surprised client asked me why I was laughing, I told him that it made me very happy that since the session started, there had been no bad visions or insights! It is sometimes very frustrating and uncomfortable for me to have to give negative news when asked. Unfortunately, this has become more and more common in my job.

I often urge clients to remember that, if the answer or outcome of a project or idea is not positive, it makes no sense to get frustrated and depressed and anticipate sad news – especially in moments like this; it is important to keep a positive spirit and not to lose faith in life, humanity and this world. After each storm, the sun shows its smile and after the night reaches its darkest point, the sunrise is not far.

There is always a learning process in whatever is happening to us. If you are struggling in your daily life or feel like you are just surviving, always remember that there is some higher source taking care of you. A prayer or meditation can be the best medicine in such moments to remember this connection and protection. If we study human history we realize that dark periods were always connected to a collective learning process as well as for each involved being an individual teaching.

Berthold Brecht once said:

The one who fights may lose, the one who does not fight has lost already!


(Berthold Brecht)

Let's  follow his wise words and trust in the fact that there is always a tomorrow with new inspirations and the opportunity to grow and become stronger!

All the water of the sea can't sink a ship, unless it gets inside the ship.
Similarly negativity of the world can't put us down, unless we allow it to get inside us.



Martin ZollerWho is Martin Zoller?

Martin Zoller, is an internationally acclaimed psychic, seer and remote viewer.  He rose to fame in 1999, when he used his intuitive skills to find a missing airplane and its survivors in the jungle of Bolivia, after mainstream rescue efforts failed.

Martin regularly holds seminars, lectures and private consultations throughout the world. He is recognized worldwide as one of the most accurate and famous psychics alive.
Zoller's personal vision is to teach people to discover their inner potential, while helping them achieve their life goals, in the process.

To date, Zoller is the author of seven books about the sixth sense, countless articles in magazines and newspapers and human intuition, four meditation CD’s and a Remote Viewing DVD. He also participated in a cinema movie about the sixth sense and produced a documentary about shamanism and holy medicine in the Amazonas.

More about his life, work and visionary predictions on his site: