Mind Thinks In Eternity (By Kip Mazuy)

Blue pond seerosen (ultrafeel.tv)

The mind thinks in eternity

So if you are feeling sad,
you feel you will forever
feel sadness.
It feels as though
there is no end to the sadness.

And so you fight it
and struggle to break
free from it
rather than experience it.

Same with being present.

It can feel frightening
to give up the mind
and simply be present.

It can feel as though you are giving
up everything forever.

But there is no eternity.
There is only this moment.

This very moment is an opportunity
to be present.

Just for this second,
can you be present.

Just for this second,
can you allow yourself to
experience what is here.

To simply breathe
and feel
and watch.

Because in just
one second of being present,
you are transformed.

It only takes this one second
to find peace.

What happens beyond
that is just an illusion
in your mind…

(Kip Mazuy)

Kip Mazuy (from Bliss-music.com)Kip Mazuy is the founder of Bliss Music. He creates audio meditation programs and music that help people attaining blissful states of consciousness and support deep states of peace in meditation.
More of Kip's beautiful poems on his site: Bliss-music.com

(Photo: 'Blue Water Lilies Pond' by h.r.fox @ ultrafeel.tv)