Ed Miracle’s Painting Proves The World Is Flat…

This intriguing painting by artist Ed Miracle shows us convincingly that the world is indeed flat…

Ed Miracle's painting shows that the world is flat... 
"I Told You So"

Ed Miracle started to become a professional artist at 1963 close to the Mexican coast. In 1972 he painted all the backgrounds and many of the costumes in the pageant at the world famous 'Laguna Beach Festival of the Arts and Pageant of the Masters'. Legendary actor George C. Scott was an avid collector of Miracle's oil paintings, and in 1974 sent for him to work on the title paintings for his film. In 1984 Ed Miracle left the United States to live and work in Europe.

More of Ed Miracle's amazing paintings and sculptures can be enjoyed and bought at his site:

Lemon Sharks: Willy Volk Shot Some Spectacular Photos

Photographer Willy Volk from Florida presents us these amazing photos of lemon sharks.


Lemon sharks (c) Willy Volk

Willy Volk captured this shot in the Bahamas. Theses sharks are called 'lemon sharks' and despite their dangerous look, lemon sharks are actually very docile creatures and swim among divers for hours without even a sideways glance. in the Bahamas. The shark in the foreground was coming by to check things out, and the shark in the background must've wanted his portrait taken, too.

Lemon sharks with wide open mouth and teeth. (c) Willy Volk

Lemon sharks have powerful jaws and several rows of triangular, curved teeth. Lemon sharks use these long, thin, extremely sharp teeth to hold and catch slippery fish, which are the main diet of these wonderful sharks.

Willy Volk: "Other than that, they're really nice fish…"

More of Willy's nature photography can be found here: Willy Volk on his JPG Magazine site.