Space Like Awareness (By John Greven)

Clouds in the Sky. (From space – what a miracle it is.

Sitting between every cell – the space is.

Floating between every blade of grass it is.

Filling the lungs of every creature,

untouched by the simple flow of a breeze

or massive collision of suns – the space is.

The planets, suns, and comets…

Creation and thoughts –

in all their forms dancing within simple space –

dependent on it – and yet, not touching it.

A fitting analogy –

but as beautiful as space could seem –

the mind would get tired to just looking at it.

Why? Because it is not the content

and the mind is designed for content.

Yet – if you were the space –

how easily the content could be enjoyed.

Rather than fearing the content

or that something would be missing, coming, or going –

the momentary appearances of content are effortlessly allowed to be,

seeing without condition or expectation.

You are not seeing the space –

you are the space –

the space like – presence – awareness.

(John Greven)


John GrevenJohn Greven is an advaita/non-duality author who wrote 'Oneness, the destination you never left'.

More on John's site: Oneness (John Greven)