Who Are We? The ultrafeel team

H.R. Fox
Aloha! I am the inventor of the 'ultrafeel-effect' and the creator and owner of ultrafeel TV.

Inspiring others to find their inner beauty, by putting them into contact with outer beauty, is my passion –
I live for moments of breathtaking elegance and mesmerizing artistry, hence I am addicted to perfect displays of absolute beauty, breathtaking nature and mesmerizing music.
Furthermore, I love discovery of the yet undiscovered secret landscapes of consciousness through deep meditation, visionary psychedelics and sacred ero*tica.

I generally despise dead traditions, dogma, organized religions, and the noise of church bells – seriously. Hence I look forward to the day when all minds become open. (The mind is like a parachute – it only works when it's open…!)
Furthermore I support a hightech-eco-lifestyle: Vegan food, earthship-solar-housing, permaculture and the latest technologies such as for example nanotechnoloy, robotics and 3D printers which are really able to make a difference on our lovely little planet.

Connect with me directly on facebook: H.R.Fox

Martin Chinello
…is our technical and website-design consultant.
He runs Primavista.ch as well as his startup Homepageshop.ch which creates websites for small companies and private customers.

Connect with him directly on facebook: Martin Chinello

…is a famous artista from Germany, now living in Switzerland. She has the perfect artistic eyes – hence consults us with the selection of the content and artistic display on ultrafeel TV.

Check out her amazing art on her website:
Anaisis.com and contact her directly on facebook: Anaisis Miller