Ultrafeel satisfies all your desires… It’s the only reliable online-magazine on planet earth which shows you how to use yourSELF for fun, profit, ecstasy and enlightenment – it also brings you sexy and fun-da-mental stories which basically trigger all the feelings that exist. That’s why ultrafeel.tv is the one site that will satisfy all your desires!
We swim in an ocean of feelings the whole day – whether we know it or not, whether we want it or not.
When we feel the whole spectrum of emotions, between dark black to light white – not only the good ones we all like – you will feel better at the end of the day! Can we stand to be open to it all? Philosophy? War? Dolce Vita? Hard Rock? Architecture? Erotic art? Psychedelics? Poetry? Fashion? Crazy humor?
Can you stand listening to AC/DC and Chopin?
African Drumming and Drum and Bass? Vivaldi and Goatrance? Ordinary and altered states of consciousness? Compare Beethoven’s ‘Symphony Nr. 1’ to Metallica’s ‘One’: Can you feel the oneness between the two? How about enjoying dirt and cleanliness, theory and practice, the latest hightech and the wonders of nature, noise and silence, left and right, real life and virtual life in cyberspace, body and mind – for a total life?
When your feet stay firm on the ground – your hands can touch the stars!
Ultrafeel will also show you that you don’t need to believe in anything to life a full and exciting life.
Personal experience is more than enough! You don’t need to be a theist – but you also don’t need to be an atheist. All opposites have to be united. Don’t repress anything, don’t exclude anything. Of course that also means that criticism can occur and should not be excluded. At times you have to stand up for yourself and be bold enough to criticise!
Bring your full attention to where it is most important: Within yourself!
In the end, if you don’t lean to the right nor to the left, if you stay right in the eye of the storm, you will be able to stand it all – war and peace, hate and love, death and life. And of course, if you manage to be courageous enought to feel it all, you will finally arrive where you started: Here and Now – and for the first time you will know who you really are…!
Whatever exciting stuff and incredible stories can be found in the deepest abyss of the cyberspace – ultrafeel brings it to you!
So you’ll find inspiration for some of the best sites on the whole net. Of course this online magazine can only work with you; only with your direct participation, for example by commenting the news, we are able to continually bring you miracles in the show.
This is your online magazine!
You will find lots of exciting stories on ultrafeel. But without your help it can’t work.
– Have you written exciting or ‘fun-da-mental’ stories?
– Are you an (erotic) art creator or photographer?
– Have you got ideas that kick ass?
– You want to show off your cool website to a greater audience?
– Have you experienced some crazy altered states of consciousness or spiritual insights that you want to share with the world?
Join ultrafeel right here and now with anything that triggers feelings. And by the way, if you don’t like the ultrafeel online magazine then tell us. If you like it, tell others!
ultrafeel is not just a website –
it’s a new and fun-da-mental way of life!
Hi Fox, you old Tiger!
I almost forgot you…then I was contacted by an old companion of ours so you poped up to my mind again and I spend a minute checking out your website. Well, it seems you still shoot in all directions, don’t you?
Within the next 5 years we should meet again just to see how things are…
Regarding your church bell paranoia, let me tell you, it is all relative…if you life in a moloch like Shanghai, you may appreciate the sound of church bells….sitting at the shores of the river Rhine and counting the water drops passing by…
I wish you all the best and even more then that
Cheers, Sascha
Ture good,
nice photography
ultra feeling that an urgasmicoc thing is coming to you
very soon so hurry up before it will be late to too
think about it…………..!!
This is a wonderful format for an online magazine and you are doing a great job on covering all aspects of the human condition. Wishing you and the UltraFeel community a positive and inspired 2010!
Aloha BlackBeauty,
Yep, ultrafeel.tv is on twitter:
Am new here and gotta say, this looks (and reads) to be a great site! I will certainly be spreading the word…
Is ultrafeel.tv on Twitter?
Ich bin nur ganz kurz eingetaucht in die Tiefen der Ultrafeel…..
Ich bin hin und wech…..
A.E. hat mir den Link mit dem Zaunpfahl gegeben und es war einer der besten Tipps für dieses Jahr….
Ich sammele erst mal Ruhe und Zeit und werde dann an diesem Spot weitersurfen….
ich les grad in den vorherigen Kommentaren: The cosmic orgasm…
Liest hier einer Dr. Wilhelm Reich….fantastisch das wäre 😉
Absolut aufregende Seite……Newsletter ist bestellt 🙂
The more you know about ME, the more you find out about YOU…
then: the cosmic orgasm! 🙂
I am so happy that we found each other on this magical, internet playground. So fun getting to know more and more about you! I FEEL great when I am here!!
Cheers and Hi!
It feels so good that you feel so good about this place in cyberspace here and now…
Let’s dive into it so deeply until we reach the very core of it – then we’ll trigger the ultraeuphoric big bang!
Hi Fox
I feel so good about your new site. I just dive into it, open up to it ! – and Oh, it feel so ultraeuphoric!
Heyla Dierkikali,
Immer wieder neu…immer wieder hier…
Enjoy yourSELF!
Hi Fox,
ultimativer Neuanfang… selbstverständlich – versteht sich von Selbst..
Machet jut und kräftige best wishes
Yep, wo du recht hast hast du recht: die ultimative steigerung ist ultrafeel…
Cheers and enjoy yourself!
Hoi Foxus
Gratulation. Die grosse Arbeit hat sich definitiv gelohnt.
Das Motto: Feel – feel good – feel very good – ultrafeel!