The End Of Art Or the Rebirth Of Unimaginable Beauty On 21st December 2012 ?

Friday, 21 December 2012

So many breathtaking works of art go unnoticed by a greater audience…

…flickering over a monitor at work or even a tiny screen on a mobile phone – quickly forgotten and lost in time like tears in rain, as this famous scene from the movie Blade Runner to the right demonstrates.

Yes, everything will finally end…but, as Voltaire said centuries ago:
"Everything must end. Meanwhile we must amuse ourselves."

Since i can remember I recognized how many unbelievably talented photography- video- and music-artists do not really get enough admiration for their art. Even the onset of the internet has not changed this: Artists post their work on the net – never to be really admired, never to be utterly enjoyed as this magnificence definitively deserves. Even the works of well-known artists who get published in the specific magazines are basically treated as "stock" – not celebrated as the masterpieces they truly are!

The time has come to change this melancholic setting once and for all – and the time we are currently living in is more than favourable for a change.

Why a change in 2012?2012: The end or the beginning?
Some people are afraid that the world might end on December 21st, 2012. We don't think so.

Here at we expect that in fact it's an important time of transition:
The death of the old – followed by the rebirth of the new and possibly the completely unexpected. Ultrafeel TV is part of this global transition into a new era – placing the spotlight on creative people and their work – and showcasing the inherent spirit of transformation of these crucial times and the evolution of consciousness currently happening on our lovely planet.

It may well be the world of the end as we know it, yet it is also the fresh beginning of something new and exciting – only when the old dies, the new can take its place.

What is going to happen soon?
We are inspired by Plato, who already recognised many centuries ago that: "The good is the beautiful". Therefore this site will be completely redesigned and will literally die and be reborn on the infamous date of December 21st 2012.

Soon after, it will transform into an innovative, never seen before TV-channel with one basic mission: Bringing more beauty into our world by triggering the 'ultrafeel effect' in viewers.

So what is it all about? Find out here: What is Ultrafeel TV

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