Inner Beauty By Martin Zoller

Woman: plastic doll face beautyWe are living in a society where beauty, aesthetic and hygiene are very important aspects of our daily lives. Our beauty rituals usually start in the early morning when we take time to bathe, dress carefully – often clad in expensive clothing – and put on make up and perfume. Our concern with impression stretches to the way we design our homes, the cars we drive, the restaurants we eat at and the people we try to have around us.

All this represents a kind of lifestyle that we seek and sometimes struggle to maintain. External beauty and image are very important to us and often times, they play a big role in our happiness and self-confidence.

The problem is, we get so busy worrying about our outer beauty and forget to pay enough attention to our inner beauty.

In my seminars I talk a lot about the “spiritual hygiene” that we have to attend to. In the same way we take a shower in the morning, taking care of our hair, skin, body and nails, in the same way we have to take care of our inner self to be cleaned and maintained. We need to think about this more than just on occasion, but daily (imagine yourself how you would look and smell if you only shower once or twice a month!).

Meditation or prayers are the way to maintain the health and well-being of your inner beauty; to make it supple and well. By working with visualizations, taking a short walk in nature or breathing a couple of minutes early in the morning, you give power to your inner self. Small acts like this are the tonics and remedy for your inner beauty.

If you don’t do it yet, try to focus every time every morning on your spiritual hygiene. When you leave for the day, stop for a second and think if you did take care of your inner self and if you did your daily rituals to be beautiful in the inside and outside. If so, close the door with your key, put a smile on your face and start a new and positive day!

Martin ZollerWho is Martin Zoller?

Martin Zoller, is an internationally acclaimed psychic, seer and remote viewer.  He rose to fame in 1999, when he used his intuitive skills to find a missing airplane and its survivors in the jungle of Bolivia, after mainstream rescue efforts failed.

Martin regularly holds seminars, lectures and private consultations throughout the world. He is recognized worldwide as one of the most accurate and famous psychics alive.
Zoller's personal vision is to teach people to discover their inner potential, while helping them achieve their life goals, in the process.

To date, Zoller is the author of seven books about the sixth sense, countless articles in magazines and newspapers and human intuition, four meditation CD’s and a Remote Viewing DVD. He also participated in a cinema movie about the sixth sense and produced a documentary about shamanism and holy medicine in the Amazonas.

More about life, work and his visionary predictions:

(Photo daffodil flower (c) @

Why Is It So Difficult To Change Your Life?

Changes, Leaves. Have you spent many years trying to change your life with no noticeable progress at all?

Most people never really change, neither themselves nor their life circumstances. Whatever we do, core-level change hardly ever takes place. Some of us try in desperation to literally compel change, but this usually only leads to minor improvements on the surface of our lives, which then often evaporate in no time. Or we totally exhaust ourselves while desperately fighting for better life circumstances.

So what to do? The first step, as always, is understanding the hidden cause of this tricky situation. The basic reason for our inability to change our lives is actually:

Change can be dangerous! Who knows what might happen… What if it doesn't work out the way we hoped it would…? Hell, we might even die while trying to make our greatest dreams come true!

It's precisely this fear of change that will hold us tightly within our well known reality tunnel. As long as we just move inside the boundaries of our safe reality tunnels real change is virtually impossible!

So many of us capitulated long time ago and decided to stay in our homely, cozy reality tunnels. However boring and limiting experiences this might generate, at least we feel secure in there. Never really daring to break out of our old reality tunnels into "Extremistan" as intuitive consultant Martin Zoller so impressively describes, most people live miserable lives in "Mediocristan".

"Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes."


(Hugh Prather)

So how to break out? The most effective way to widen the borders of our reality tunnels is always to directly confront our fears, however terrible they seam to be. Obviously the bad news is: This most often takes enormous courage. But the good news: It's definitively the best and fastest way to make genuine change become a reality in our lives!

Author Anais Nin (1903 – 1977) described this long ago:

"Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage."


(Anais Nin)

But how do we know in which direction to expand our reality tunnels? How do we know where to be courageous; which fear to confront; what to do exactly? Only intuition can reliably show us the best course of action here. We first must find out what we really want in life and then directly confront the various fears that our heads will come up with.

Then we will make an interesting discovery: The more our reality tunnels broaden as a result of confronting our fears, the easier it gets to change our lives. And in the end, as our reality tunnels have completely opened up they will just dissolve. Without any reality tunnel at all, change will just happen automatically – without the interference of us!
(The 'I' that could interfere is simply not there anymore because you are not even an onion…)

And as German poet Rainer Maria Rilke put it bluntly:

"Want the change!"


(Rainer Maria Rilke)

So pura vida and make your ongoing habit: Daily change!

"Life changes fast. Life changes in the instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends."


(Joan Didion)

(Photo: Ms Ladyred)
(c)reated by

Do You Want To Live In Mediocristan Or Extremistan? (By Martin Zoller)

Man climbing blue sun. ( journey from Mediocristan to Extremistan

Not too long ago, a soul was born. This soul had no specific name or nationality. It was the kind of soul each one of us has in our bodies. At the beginning of its journey, this soul, as every soul, was full of light, inspiration and creativity.
Most of these souls grow up in a country called Mediocristan. Unfortunately Mediocristan is not the kind of place a soul has the freedom to express itself.

As time passes, the soul gets used to life in Mediocristan. It forgets about its inner potential, creative power and freedom. Sometimes, in moments of silence and inner truth, the soul hears the whispering of its inner voice, and is jolted into remembering that there is more to life than the landscape, tradition and limited belief systems of Mediocristan.

Sometimes there are souls who never give up dreaming. These souls always feel that there is more to life than only the generic and average education and mentality of Mediocristan. Then, from time to time, there are souls who take the risk and leave Mediocristan. They cross the border to Extremistan and start to see a completely different world. Extremistam is full of magical experiences, new inspirations as well as challenges.

In Extremistan, life offers a very different perspective and many new possibilities. For the souls in Extremistan, life is not necessarily easier, but at least there they have the freedom to dive into their own creativity and explore and express their own inspiration.

Some of the souls in Extremistan try to move back to Mediocristan with the hopes of inspiring those souls in Mediocristan and to open themselves up for a different view of life. They know that a lot of their fellow souls in Mediocristan feel the need or desire to change themselves.

Meanwhile, the souls in Mediocristan feel that the ones who crossed the border to Extremistan live more interesting lives, with different experiences. And while they would love to move out too, they don’t do anything and stay in Mediocristan.

Very often the souls who traveled to Extremistan feel disappointed when they get back to Mediocristan. They don’t feel they fit in Mediocristan society and don’t feel they are understood by the souls in Mediocristan.
As a reaction to this disappointment some go back to the old rules, knowing that they are repressing their truth self. Others move back to Extremistan and disconnect completely from Mediocristan.

The souls in Mediocristan watch about the adventures of Extremistan on TV. They also go to expositions or listen to music from artists who live in Extremistan. Deep in their souls they have this wish and desire that they could cross the border themselves. But then, fear or the comfort of Mediocristan keeps them back from crossing the border.

In silent moments they take a secret look to the other side of the border. They can feel a lot of what is going on there. In such a moment a lonely tear is the only visual sign of a silent resignation of most of the souls in Mediocristan.

While I don't have to tell you the moral of the story, I will gently remind you to reach for the stars and not to settle.

Martin Zoller's essay has been inspired by Nassim Taleb, Lebanese bestselling author and professor who wrote the famous book on probabilities 'Black Swan'.

"Mediocristan is where we must endure the tyranny of the collective, the routine, the obvious, and the predicted; Extremistan is where we are subjected to the tyranny of the singular, the accidental, the unseen, and unpredicted. As hard as you try, you will never lose a lot of weight in a single day…


If you are subject to Extremistan-based speculation, however, you can gain or lose your entire fortune in a single minute."


(Nassim Nicholas Taleb)

Siehe auch: 'Hellsichtig' – Das Neue Buch Von Hellseher Martin Zoller

Martin ZollerWho is Martin Zoller?

Martin Zoller, is an internationally acclaimed psychic, seer and remote viewer.  He rose to fame in 1999, when he used his intuitive skills to find a missing airplane and its survivors in the jungle of Bolivia, after mainstream rescue efforts failed.

Martin regularly holds seminars, lectures and private consultations throughout the world. He is recognized worldwide as one of the most accurate and famous psychics alive.
Zoller's personal vision is to teach people to discover their inner potential, while helping them achieve their life goals, in the process.

To date, Zoller is the author of seven books about the sixth sense, countless articles in magazines and newspapers and human intuition, four meditation CD’s and a Remote Viewing DVD. He also participated in a cinema movie about the sixth sense and produced a documentary about shamanism and holy medicine in the Amazonas.

More about life, work and visionary predictions:

Seer And Psychic Martin Zoller On Following Our Inner Truth

Follow your intuitionLast week I was interviewed by a journalist and he asked about the essence of my work with people, including sessions, lectures, seminars and writings. I looked into the journalist’s eyes, reflected for around 10 seconds, trying to find the best way to briefly describe the benefit of my work.
I took a deep breath and said in one sentence: “Bringing people in touch with their inner truth and unique potential."

In my personal experience with people all around the world (also souls from other worlds) I have learned that each one of us has a personal potential or to use a more religious term, a mission.

People who are in touch with their soul's potential automatically start to feel good with what they do.
If we were living in a healthy society, we would easily feel integrated and accepted with what we came to do in this life. Unfortunately, we are living in a corrupted and destructive culture. This makes it very difficult for people who are sensitive enough to be able to listen to their inner self because most of the time they are not understood or are judged for being themselves or even expelled from “normal life”. Years ago, my mother gave me a postcard, which I have always kept. It says:

Red flower in blue water."The one's who are not crazy are not normal."

As easy as it may sound, it is difficult to listen to the inner truth and potential. Even if we can hear it, all the noise and pollution (For example TV, Internet, loud music, noise on the streets, worries to pay debts, fears we are having in our minds etc) around us makes it very hard to follow. To be able to hear the inner voice, leading to what our true potential is, we need time and silence. Then it takes a lot of confidence to pay attention to that voice and to express it in daily life.

In my personal experience (always the best example to use), following the inner truth is not easy (at all) but at the end of the day it gives inner fulfillment and peace. I can see this for myself and by the people around me who share the same experience.
True, it is not very easy to change life from one day to the next by following the inner truth but doing a little meditation one or two times a day, prayer or any other practice to get in touch with the inner silence is a good way to start paying attention to the soul and its creative potential. Even sitting in a taxi and closing the eyes for 3 or 4 minutes, touching base with the inner silence is a big step to get closer to what we really are: The soul and it’s power.

Bonne chance!

Martin ZollerWho is Martin Zoller?

Martin Zoller, is an internationally acclaimed psychic, seer and remote viewer.  He rose to fame in 1999, when he used his intuitive skills to find a missing airplane and its survivors in the jungle of Bolivia, after mainstream rescue efforts failed.

Martin regularly holds seminars, lectures and private consultations throughout the world. He is recognized worldwide as one of the most accurate and famous psychics alive.
Zoller's personal vision is to teach people to discover their inner potential, while helping them achieve their life goals, in the process.

To date, Zoller is the author of seven books about the sixth sense, countless articles in magazines and newspapers and human intuition, four meditation CD’s and a Remote Viewing DVD. He also participated in a cinema movie about the sixth sense and produced a documentary about shamanism and holy medicine in the Amazonas.

More about life, work and visionary predictions:

The Messenger Of Bad News – By Martin Zoller

Newspaper: Bad News !All through history one of the most unpleasant and dangerous jobs has been being the bearer of bad news.

It's an inherently unpopular task. The fellow ordered to deliver such news to the King's court, was often sent away by the monarch with some angry words and insulting comments. Often, the king’s sword killed the unlucky guy or his head got chopped off.

In these difficult times, I am more than happy that modern human rights and democratic laws forbid such cruel methods of death, mainly, because in these last few months, I feel as though having to share less than good news has become part of my job–the worst part of my job. If we had been living under those ancient laws, surely my head would have been chopped off or my body would have been tortured several times over.

Since we are suffering a global economic crisis and political instability all around the world, my work has become more and more challenging regarding the sharing of good messages or news. Just a few days ago, during one of my long distance readings with a client far from Beirut, I could not avoid a happy laughter in the middle of the consultation. When my surprised client asked me why I was laughing, I told him that it made me very happy that since the session started, there had been no bad visions or insights! It is sometimes very frustrating and uncomfortable for me to have to give negative news when asked. Unfortunately, this has become more and more common in my job.

I often urge clients to remember that, if the answer or outcome of a project or idea is not positive, it makes no sense to get frustrated and depressed and anticipate sad news – especially in moments like this; it is important to keep a positive spirit and not to lose faith in life, humanity and this world. After each storm, the sun shows its smile and after the night reaches its darkest point, the sunrise is not far.

There is always a learning process in whatever is happening to us. If you are struggling in your daily life or feel like you are just surviving, always remember that there is some higher source taking care of you. A prayer or meditation can be the best medicine in such moments to remember this connection and protection. If we study human history we realize that dark periods were always connected to a collective learning process as well as for each involved being an individual teaching.

Berthold Brecht once said:

The one who fights may lose, the one who does not fight has lost already!


(Berthold Brecht)

Let's  follow his wise words and trust in the fact that there is always a tomorrow with new inspirations and the opportunity to grow and become stronger!

All the water of the sea can't sink a ship, unless it gets inside the ship.
Similarly negativity of the world can't put us down, unless we allow it to get inside us.



Martin ZollerWho is Martin Zoller?

Martin Zoller, is an internationally acclaimed psychic, seer and remote viewer.  He rose to fame in 1999, when he used his intuitive skills to find a missing airplane and its survivors in the jungle of Bolivia, after mainstream rescue efforts failed.

Martin regularly holds seminars, lectures and private consultations throughout the world. He is recognized worldwide as one of the most accurate and famous psychics alive.
Zoller's personal vision is to teach people to discover their inner potential, while helping them achieve their life goals, in the process.

To date, Zoller is the author of seven books about the sixth sense, countless articles in magazines and newspapers and human intuition, four meditation CD’s and a Remote Viewing DVD. He also participated in a cinema movie about the sixth sense and produced a documentary about shamanism and holy medicine in the Amazonas.

More about his life, work and visionary predictions on his site:


How To Make The Right Yes-Or-No Decision Using Your Intuition (By Martin Zoller)

Signs in different directionsHow to make the right decisions?

Every day, we are forced to make decisions. Some are simple, like whether or not to add milk to our coffee, what to wear to work, what plans do make for the evening, etc.

However, the stakes rise when we're considering bigger decisions like, which investments to proceed with, whom to marry or which battles to fight. Sometimes decisions are clear and other times, they require a lot of time for us to consider our options, to think about the outcomes and weigh whether or not we can live with the consequences.

While our decisions are personal and take our own time to sort out, however, for me, I find that my decisions not only affect me but may also have an impact on my clients. Without exaggerating, I can say that I take more time making decisions for others than for myself. After all, it is part of my job, to help give information to help people make decisions but also give them the latitude to make their own decisions.

Often times, clients ask me to make decisions for them. But my job is really to analyze future possibilities. It’s like using a GPS in a car. The GPS shows you which direction to take but in the end, it’s the driver’s decision if he wants to drive straight through or stop for a rest; if he wants to take major roads or drive through smaller towns at a slower pace. I give the options but the client has to make the final decision.

"Are you sure?" Yes or NoIn my book HELLSICHTIG, I outline several meditations to open people's intuition; one of the techniques helps to make the right “YES or NO” decision. I call this meditation “The Inner Oracle.”

Choose two colors, one to represent 'yes' and the other to represent 'no.' Next choose a “yes or no” decision you have to make. Sit down and relax. Close your eyes and do a meditation to calm down your mind. Bring your brain in a neutral and quiet state. Now connect to your intuition by connecting to the inner silence. Once you feel completely calm, you visualize a big white wall in front of your inner eyes. Repeat the question two or three times in your mind, without speaking it out loud.

When done with this focus on the white wall and ask your intuitive self if the answer is YES or NO. Don't question what appears before you and if no color appears, relax and try it again. If you have the answer, you can stop the meditation and open your eyes.

Later, see if your answer was right or not. If it did not work out the first time, don’t worry and don’t give up. In my seminars more than 80% of the people succeed with this exercise but it takes time and patience. This meditation should help you to trust in your intuition because you see that it works and over time, it'll be easier for you to make the decision that is right for you.

Enjoy the meditation and good luck!














Martin ZollerWho is Martin Zoller

Martin Zoller is a Swiss national living in Panama. For more than 20 years Martin has been invited around the world to share and use his ability as "psychic" and "remote viewer". He has hosted his own TV shows, in both Bolivia and Germany and released a DVD on Remote Viewing and a meditation CD. Further to the many articles, he has also published five books, soon his sixth will be released. 

Martin's gift to foresee the future allows his clients to receive direction and exceptional guidance in a time of need of answers. His fluency in English, German, French and Spanish enable him to have clients consisting of individuals, corporations, law enforcement agencies, embassies and governments in different continents.

Martin designs and runs workshops and lectures all around the world with the goal of helping individuals understand who they are as human beings, discover/bring out their inner potential as well as their spiritual essence. These workshops and group lectures can be held in person as well as online, via Skype.

Contact him directly here:
– Website:,
– Facebook fanpage: Martin Zoller

(Photo: Yes or No)

The 4 Aspects Of Richness (By Martin Zoller)

Wedding in a Fountain (c) Rich JohnsonFamous Swiss psychic Martin Zoller outlines the four aspects of true richness.

With the global recession, it's easy to see why people seem consumed with money and financial worry. I can see that in my daily work with my clients. Some of them are really struggling; others are simply afraid of losing the financial stability they have reached. When I think more about it, I realize that all the time in my work – and my life – I am confronted with questions about richness or abundance, in some way or another.

Besides the economical abundance there is the emotional abundance. Who does not look for true love in life, hoping to be happily married forever? Further, we have spiritual or religious abundance. People seek illumination or at least an inner peace and if possible, some direct connection with the inner self, also called the soul. And last but not least, the abundance of health.

There may be other aspects of richness in life but I think, and in my experience, there are four important aspects of it: financial, emotional, spiritual and health. In most of the cases, my clients are focused more on one or two of these aspects rather than on all of them. On which aspects one focuses on has a lot to do with the cultural and educational background of the person. What makes it a little more complicated is that abundance can be relative.

For example in the Middle East, where smoking a big cigar and having fake breasts and lips are symbols of abundance, for others these are signs of poor self-esteem. Meanwhile in economically very poor countries, people are used to giving more importance to spiritual or religious abundance. Country leaders aren't really interested in the spiritual growth of their citizens but because there is no way to give financial abundance to the people, this is the aspect they can emphasize. I find the same with individuals, particularly those from a weak financial background; they tell me that having lots of money wouldn't necessarily make them happy. Of course they have to implant this affirmation in their mind, as otherwise they would feel frustrated knowing and understanding the comfort of economical abundance.

On the other hand the same people, once they get rich, suddenly change their mental energy and focus on money. The ones who are rich from the beginning often forget to search for the other aspects of abundance in life because they are used to buying everything with money – even love! While there are many more examples from my daily life, this is not what the essence of this newsletter should be about. What I realize and learn day by day is that the real rich man or woman is not the one who has only one or if lucky, two of these aspects and sticks to them but the one who knows about the four of them and manages to handle all of them in a healthy and wealthy way!

Meditation to the topic:
Take four papers and write on each of them as a title of one of the four abundances. Then meditate and write down where you feel that you are giving enough attention and where you are not. Also on what you want to achieve on each abundance subject and where and how you block yourself from growth. Transform yourself in all four aspects into someone valuable and RICH!

Martin ZollerAbout Martin Zoller

Martin Zoller is a Swiss national living in Panama. For more than 20 years Martin has been invited around the world to share and use his ability as "psychic" and "remote viewer". He has hosted his own TV shows, in both Bolivia and Germany and released a DVD on Remote Viewing and a meditation CD. Further to the many articles, he has also published five books, soon his sixth will be released. 

Martin's gift to foresee the future allows his clients to receive direction and exceptional guidance in a time of need of answers. His fluency in English, German, French and Spanish enable him to have clients consisting of individuals, corporations, law enforcement agencies, embassies and governments in different continents.

Martin designs and runs workshops and lectures all around the world with the goal of helping individuals understand who they are as human beings, discover/bring out their inner potential as well as their spiritual essence. These workshops and group lectures can be held in person as well as online, via Skype.

Contact him directly here:
– Website:,
– Facebook fanpage: Martin Zoller

(Photo: Trash the Dress – Wedding in a fountain by Rich Johnson)

Die Uebersinnlichen – Ein Dokumentarfilm von Thomas Schmelzer zu Intuition, Sensitivität und Medialität

Thomas Schmelzer (Portrait) bei der Premiere zum Film 'Die Uebersinnlichen'Ein Dokumentarfilm von und mit Thomas Schmelzer über Intuition, Sensitivität und Medialität: 'Die Uebersinnlichen'.

Regisseur und Moderator Thomas Schmelzer besucht in diesem Dokumentarfilm mit brillianter Kameraführung einige der bekanntesten Medien und Experten zum Thema und lässt sich inspirieren: Wie real sind Auralesen, Hellsehen, Gespräche mit Engeln und Verstorbenen? Ist an diesen Phänomenen wirklich etwas dran?

Schmelzer traff dazu einige der deutschlandweit und international bekanntesten Sensitiven und Medien, befragt sie nach ihrem Werdegang und ihren Erfahrungen. Und er will sie bei der Arbeit als Protagonist gleich selber erleben: Im Film lässt Schmelzer die Zuseher hautnah an seinen Erlebnissen und Erkenntnissen teilhaben – augenzwinkernd und auch sehr persönlich.

Martin Zoller und Thomas Schmelzer im Film 'Die Uebersinnlichen' (2015)Im Film kommen Unternehmer und Menschen vor, die offen über ihre Eingebungen und Intuition sprechen. So demonstriert zum Beispiel der Remote Viewing Experte und international bekannte Hellseher Martin Zoller Thomas eine Praxis die innert kurzer Zeit zu innerer Stille führt.

(Martin Zoller wurde auf schon einige Male interviewt, z.b. zu einem seiner Bücher: Die Kraft der Seelensprache.)


Hartmut Lohmann löst energetische Blockaden im Körper auf. Varda Hasselmann demonstriert ihre Fähigkeit, in Tieftrance Botschaften zu erhalten und Jana Haas ihre Wahrnehmung von Geistwesen wie Engeln. Ein besonderer Höhepunkt ist das Treffen vor laufender Kamera mit einem der bekanntesten Medien, dem Schweizer Pascal Voggenhuber. Ein denkwürdiger Auftritt der zum Nachdenken und Schmunzeln führt hat auch ein weiterer Schweizer; der spirituelle Lehrer Bruno Würtenberger.

Namhafte Wissenschaftsautoren wie LynneMcTaggart und Rupert Sheldrake runden den Film an mit ihrer Beschreibung des Stands der Forschung im parapsychologischen Bereich.

'Die Uebersinnlichen' - DVD Cover und Film PlakatDIE ÜBERSINNLICHEN – Das geheimnisvolle Potenzial der Seele

Regie, Buch, Moderation: Thomas Schmelzer
Kamera: Christian Berges u.a.
Produktion: MYSTICA TV
DVD-Release: November 2015
Länge: 115 Minuten

Mit: Martin Zoller, Rupert Sheldrake, Pascal Voggenhuber, Bruno Würtenberger, Sabrina Fox, Helmut Lind, Lynne McTaggart, Hartmut Lohmann, Varda Hasselmann, Friederike Rath, Jana Haas, James van Praagh, Paul Meek, Horst Krohne, Annegret Hallanzy und Andy Schwab

Film kaufen: – Uebersinnlichen (DVD)

Dictators Can Be Spiritual People Too Says Swiss Psychic Martin Zoller

Lino César OviedoSwiss psychic Martin Zoller's thoughts on former South American Dictator Lino César Oviedo.

Dear friends,

Politicians, manager and lawyers are thought of as being people without emotions who are corrupt and certainly never considered to be spiritual! Many people have the impression that spirituality and any kind of power driven jobs are not compatible. This idea is as naïve as to think that all social workers are automatically good and honest people.

I have met many very spiritual and good-hearted politicians, lawyer and CEOs. They do a lot of work to be good humans in addition to work hard for their demanding jobs. And, I have met a lot of corrupt social workers that “help” the poor and underprivileged but in reality steal and abuse those less fortunate every day. While, I don’t try to make one side better than the other, I do want to point out that only when we dismiss mental preconditions regarding whom we think is good and who is bad we have the chance to understand human nature.

Some years ago I visited former South American Dictator Lino César Oviedo in prison. I went because his people asked me to help and guide him. This man, you would assume, represents everything that is “evil” or bad in human nature. Before my visit, this is exactly what I thought. However, when we met, my first impression of him was very good. Regardless of what he did in the past, his aura was very strong, good and most of all – clean! I spoke with him for more than two hours, analyzing his future, talking about his past and his family. When I left him I felt good and was happy that I had the chance to meet such a great and spiritual man.

We are used about labeling people. Judging them from the beginning for their job, religion, nationality or race and it takes longer for us to give them a fair chance. Not only is this ignorant, but you close doors in your life who could be very helpful for your path.

I wish you a wonderful time!

Martin ZollerAbout Martin Zoller

Martin Zoller is a Swiss national living in Bolivia. For more than 20 years Martin has been invited around the world to share and use his ability as "psychic" and "remote viewer". He has hosted his own TV shows, in both Bolivia and Germany and released a DVD on Remote Viewing and a meditation CD. Further to the many articles, he has also published five books, soon his sixth will be released. 

Martin's gift to foresee the future allows his clients to receive direction and exceptional guidance in a time of need of answers. His fluency in English, German, French and Spanish enable him to have clients consisting of individuals, corporations, law enforcement agencies, embassies and governments in different continents.

Martin designs and runs workshops and lectures all around the world with the goal of helping individuals understand who they are as human beings, discover/bring out their inner potential as well as their spiritual essence. His workshops and group lectures can be held in person or via Skype.

Contact him directly here:
– Website:,
– Facebook fanpage: Martin Zoller

(Photo: – lindo oviedo)

Don’t Suppress The Shadow (By Martin Zoller)

Ghost - ManDear Friends,

One of the main obstacles I see over and over in my clients is regarding their inner growth, happiness and fulfillment.

Often people have a fear of confronting their shadows or dark sides of their personality. We have all hidden dreams, visions or fantasies that we don't believe fit in the confirmative belief system of our society. Most of us are afraid to recognize that we have ideas in our heads that could be judged as bad, negative or, in worst case, evil.

If in a private conversation I talk to people about such topics, almost everybody denies the existence of dark thoughts or fantasies. To test the truth of this point of view, from time to time I'll initiate a conversation with a group about such 'negative' ideas or thoughts. Almost all the time, and without any real resistance, most people start to share such ideas of dark fantasies. Once someone or something is knocking on the door to the hidden fantasies only very few doors stay closed.

Every human being, every animal and every plant is a mirror of the entire cosmos in all its aspects; every being fights his way through life with the burden of duality on his shoulders. The aspects of duality are an unavoidable fact of our existence – one could even say that our existence is only made possible anyway through duality.

By judging or denying the so-called 'dark side' of our existence, however, we nurture precisely that force which we are actually trying to suppress. I sometimes associate this process with a person’s two hands. Our body has a left hand and a right hand, just as we have a white and a black side or a 'good' and an 'evil' side in us. Let’s take for example the left hand as the archetype of 'evil' and the right hand as archetype of 'good'. Whereas we bestow care on the right hand, we completely neglect the left hand, as it represents 'evil', and behave as if it didn’t even belong to our body, by simply hiding it behind our back. With this situation, the body becomes asymmetrical, which no longer makes it natural.

Recognizing the existence of the shadows in our minds and probably even listening to their call does not mean that we are becoming victims of them. We don’t need to become evil or harm others to get in touch with our shadows. By realizing that they are here we can give them a face and understand them. Only trough this recognition we can be sure to know how we are reacting if we are getting confronted by them. It is the perfect tool to not be misguided by others who want to abuse our fears towards our shadows by manipulating us. A lot of sexual abuse or even political torture could be avoided if each and every human being understands its nature and knows how to control the dark side of human psychology.

Accepting and inviting the shadows is not surrendering to them but learning how to control and to be above them. By that, we can transform that power in creative energy instead of a repressed force. Only then we can let go from the fear to be manipulated by them or by other people who take advantage of us because they know how to play with our hidden shadows.

My morality is to be against all morality. Because morality wants to make life rigid.


(Jacques Vergès)

(Photo: The ghost in the cellar)

Martin ZollerAbout Martin Zoller

Martin Zoller is a Swiss national living in Bolivia. For more than 20 years Martin has been invited around the world to share and use his ability as "psychic" and "remote viewer". He has hosted his own TV shows, in both Bolivia and Germany and released a DVD on Remote Viewing and a meditation CD. Further to the many articles, he has also published five books, soon his sixth will be released. 

Martin's gift to foresee the future allows his clients to receive direction and exceptional guidance in a time of need of answers. His fluency in English, German, French and Spanish enable him to have clients consisting of individuals, corporations, law enforcement agencies, embassies and governments in different continents.

Martin designs and runs workshops and lectures all around the world with the goal of helping individuals understand who they are as human beings, discover/bring out their inner potential as well as their spiritual essence. These workshops and group lectures can be held in person as well as online, via Skype.

Contact him directly here:
– Website:,
– Facebook fanpage: Martin Zoller